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The Evolution


Why "evolution" and not "revolution"?

Evolution is a natural change, that does not imply a violent alteration of the overall state of things, as opposed to revolution.

Where does technology stands?

The introduction of computers and World Wide Web has revolutionised the way we interact with machines. It completly altered every aspect of human life.

Since then, machines have evolved by increasing their processing power and reducing the hardware size due to the minimization of semiconductor devices. This has allowed us to integrate machines in almost every aspect of our lives.

Using the greatest and latest software technologies, we help bring these new developments into our own product and services. This in turn will help our customers to capitalize on these technology expansions.

We belive that in the future every individual will have the means to personalize and customize software based on their lifestyle, culture and interests.


<JavaScript />

JavaScript (often shortened to JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language. It supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

JavaScript runs on the client side of the web, which can be used to design / program how the web pages behave on the occurrence of an event.

<React.JS />

In 2013, Facebook invented a new way of building websites. This new system, React.js, completely revolutionizes the process and practice of website development.

React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is an open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components.

Instead of chaining together long individual pages, like traditional websites, React websites are built with little chunks of code called components. These components are faster, easier to maintain, and are easily reused and customized, each serving a singular purpose.

<Node.JS />

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

In other words if React.js is the front-end that runs on the client browser, Node.js is the back-end of an application, that runs on a server.

<MongoDB />

MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need.

MongoDB is not a relational database. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.

<Material-UI />

Material-UI is an open-source, front-end framework that provides an UI library for React components.

<Next.js />

Next.js is an open-source development framework built on top of Node.js enabling React based web applications functionalities such as File-System Routing, Automatic Code Splitting, Server Side Rendering or Static Exporting.

The Process


Our process begins the moment you contact us. Whether you already have an idea for where to start and what to do, or if you just know you want to step things up, our initial consultation will help you examine your business holistically to find the best solutions.

Some written request, describing your ideas or your requirements, would much improve our initial understanding. Additional notes will be taken during our discussions.


After we settle on the best path forward and decide on a solution to pursue, details like the cost and timeline will be finalized.

Then it’s time for us to start designing a low fidelity prototype. That’s just a fancy term for a mockup or wireframe, which doesn’t include colors, images, or any other polished design elements, but captures the essential layout structure and functionality.

This helps us understand and refine the solution itself before getting distracted by specifics and looks.

Review Mockup

Before moving any farther we come back to you with our progress. This gives you the freedom to discuss any changes you may want or any ideas you may have come up with before any heavy lifting has been done.

We give you an interactive demonstration of the mockups, describing the purpose of each screen and every anticipated feature.

Once you’re completely satisfied with the vision for our solution we get down to the fine-details of design.


Using the mockups and notes taken during the consultation as guides, we will start constructing a high fidelity prototype. This also involves using any brand material like fonts, colors, and logos to extend the experience you’re already familiar with.

No aspect is superfluous, and care will be taken with every decision.

Review Design

A second round of review is essential to our goal of creating exactly what you want, exactly how you want it.

This time we’ll be going over the high fidelity prototype, in another fully interactive demonstration. Again this gives you an opportunity to change things and make sure we get everything right.


Developing begins after your approval on the final designs. We start by prioritizing some areas over others.

Each area is then developed in order of importance until ready to be connected to the next piece.

Typically the backend, behind the scenes operations are completed first. Once all the services are in place we can then create the front end, user side of things.

Finishing the application doesn’t mean we’re done though, because we need to perform tests, to guarantee compatibility with all intended devices.

Only after our rigorous examinations will we accept a product as finished. Then we prepere for the deployment in production. This produces an optimized, compressed consumer version.


When construction comes to an end, you’re the first one to know. We’ll give our final demonstration to prove full functional and operational capabilities of your new software, so you know exactly how it will look to your users.

After that we launch your project out to the public.


Our work doesn’t end there. This might be the second most important stage for a product development after analysing and reviewing the client requirements.

After a successful launch we keep in close contact to listen to feedbacks and hear how the project is being received.

From there on out we make sure your application is kept up to date and taking advantage of the best features and practices available. When new developments arise or new techniques are discovered, we will implement those advancements in your project as part of our routine maintenance.


The cycle repeats whenever you come up with a new idea for extending your current project, or come up with a brand new system entirely.

By planning for new features, we can build and evolve your application before it becomes a critical change. As customer needs change and grow, we can respond with continuous integration of new content.

Our iterative process will keep you current and competitive, allowing you to quickly implement changes. There is a strong correlation between software maintenance and product life cycle.

New Ideas.
Evolutionary Results.

Building Today
the Software of Tomorrow.