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Custom Software Development

Whether we’re replacing old software or investing in new solutions, ROCMU IT is here to help your business tackle technology.

Using off the shelf software leaves you with a lot of stuff you don’t need, without some of the stuff you do need, and ultimately controls the way you work. Without using any software at all, you risk falling behind competitors and missing out on huge savings from increased efficiency.

Our custom solutions are designed from the ground up with your needs, requirements, and goals at the core. This collaborative process produces finely tuned software that is much more effective at improving your workflow and reducing costs than generalized options.

We create exactly what you what, exactly how you want it.

Save Resources

save resources

Save Time

save time

Save Money

save money

What happens during the development and implementation stages?

1. Receiving a business requirement or a technical specification.

Depending on the client's technical knowleadge, the request may be a business requirement or a technical specification.

2. Analysing the request and sending back a proposal and a time estimate.

The request is analysed and a functional documentation is drafted, describing the product's intended capabilities, appearance and interactions with users. A time estimate is also alocated for development, testing and implementation.

3. The application is scalable. Depending on the requirement, the application may be a web based application and/or a RESTful API.

If the aplication requires a user input, the software solution will have a user interface. On the other hand, if the aplication integrates data from different sources and consists only of an automated data processing task, the application will not require a user interface.

4. At every stage of development we require your feedback, in order to acknowledge succesful landmarks achivement.

Software development is not a linear processing of project stages. It requires cyclical reiteration of development stages, until the outcome is the one wanted.

5. When the software solution is deployed, additional third party software may be requited to be installed on the dedicated machine.

Additional third party software may be requred to be installed on the host machine. There are different deployment requirements depending on the server location (cloud hosting or in-house sever).

New Ideas.
Evolutionary Results.

Building Today
the Software of Tomorrow.